Sustainability for Beginners
Raise your awareness for climate action and social justice with this short, fully online, fully funded programme.
A collaboration of SOLAS, Kildare and Wicklow Education & Training Board and Fifty Shades Greener.

The climate crisis and other environmental challenges are at the core of private and public sector sustainability concerns and the ambition level has taken a leap in recent times, with companies and government agencies setting goals for NetZero.
FET offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community, and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services.
Enrol today in this fully funded awareness programme and you will receive:
- Access to 10 pre-recorded video lessons to be completed over a 2 week period. (2 hours of video content)
- Tips to reduce your environmental impact.
- Tips to improve your social impact.
- A certificate of completion
The aim of this programme is to give participants the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable future.
Is é aidhm an chláir seo an t-eolas, na cumais, na luachanna agus na dearcthaí a thabhairt do rannpháirtithe atá ag teastáil chun maireachtáil i dtodhchaí inbhuanaithe, a fhorbairt agus tacú léi.
Мета цієї програми — дати учасникам знання, навички, цінності та установки, необхідні для життя в умовах сталого майбутнього, його розвитку та підтримки
Celem tego programu jest przekazanie uczestnikom wiedzy, umiejętności, wartości i postaw potrzebnych do życia w zrównoważonej przyszłości, rozwijania jej i wspierania.
For more information or to receive assistance with your registration please get in touch with us.
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